Având in vedere că săptămâna viitoare va avea loc o sesiune a
Parlamentului European pentru a analiza situația creată de legea
educației din Ucraina, Consiliul Mondial Român propune
europarlamentarilor și oficialilor români care vor participa la
dezbateri, să adopte următoarea poziție, care corespunde intereselor
membrilor comunității UE.
Credem că măsura propusa va putea fi acceptată pentru detensionarea situației.
Ukraine's new education law that will eliminate the post-elementary education in languages other than Ukrainian should be amended to allow for exemptions for the languages of the European Union. It will also be good for Ukraine's EU prospects. And it will allow for the maintenance of the Romanian-language and Hungarian-language, Bulgarian-language, Polish-language, Greek-language and Slovak-language schools.
All of the countries in the EU whose co-ethnics have schools in Ukraine (Hungary and Romania, Poland, Bulgaria and Greece) except for Slovakia, which has promoted the Rusyn identity against the Ukrainian one to a very large extent, have justifiably strongly criticized the law.
Moreover, it would encourage the transformation of the "Moldovan-language" schools in the Odessa region into "Romanian-language" schools.
Another advantage of the law is that it would allow for the creation and maintenance of English-language, German-language, French-language, German-language and Spanish-language schools that are good for business, the economy, investments, culture and the teaching of foreign languages.
Credem că măsura propusa va putea fi acceptată pentru detensionarea situației.
Ukraine's new education law that will eliminate the post-elementary education in languages other than Ukrainian should be amended to allow for exemptions for the languages of the European Union. It will also be good for Ukraine's EU prospects. And it will allow for the maintenance of the Romanian-language and Hungarian-language, Bulgarian-language, Polish-language, Greek-language and Slovak-language schools.
All of the countries in the EU whose co-ethnics have schools in Ukraine (Hungary and Romania, Poland, Bulgaria and Greece) except for Slovakia, which has promoted the Rusyn identity against the Ukrainian one to a very large extent, have justifiably strongly criticized the law.
Moreover, it would encourage the transformation of the "Moldovan-language" schools in the Odessa region into "Romanian-language" schools.
Another advantage of the law is that it would allow for the creation and maintenance of English-language, German-language, French-language, German-language and Spanish-language schools that are good for business, the economy, investments, culture and the teaching of foreign languages.

Mircea Popescu
Consiliul Mondial Român
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